About VRM Group

Our Story

In twenty years as a civil engineer and project manager, the majority of my projects have been remote in nature with multi-year time lines. Photo documentation has always been key to my work. While it has evolved over the years, it was still dependent on the photographer.

I created VRM Group to provide high resolution, georeferenced, ground-level 360 video that is project specific. No more clicking through photos in a database, or wishing the photographer had taken the shot a little bit to the left of a point of reference. With VRM Group’s 8K video files, anyone on the team can go directly to the location they need to see and pan around a 360 degree view.

This next step in photo documentation is an invaluable tool for project management.

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  • Restoration planning

    360 video of existing conditions can be used for design. Subsequent 360 video can provide an as-built baseline, which can be used for environmental compliance and monitoring.

  • Asset Management

    Conducting 360 video walkthroughs at regular intervals provide asset managers with a way to QA/QC asset tabulations.

  • Power & Energy Infrastructure

    VRM Group has worked closely with utilities to provide as-built documentation for virtual asset management while adhering to the cyber- security requirements.

  • Road & Transportation Design

    VRM Group can provide georeferenced ground level documentation of existing road conditions and post-construction as-builts.

  • As-Built Assessments

    Georeferenced ground level 360 video provides a "boots on the ground" virtual tour of any project.


  • Safety & Evacuation Plan Training

    360 video walk through of schools restricted facilities, government, or corporate buildings can provide an invaluable training tool for emergency services.